Picture by Pat Wellenbach, June 28th 2006
Courtesy of the Associated Press
Joyce Schelling of Orland lost in a defamation law suit that she had filed against the then Rep. Kenneth Lindell who represented the District 41 in the Maine House of Representatives. Schelling had sued for defamation after Lindell had wriiten a letter in the Republican Journal that claimed that Schelling only backed a bill because," it was designed to line the pockets of special interest groups who seek to financially gain at the expense of Maine's overburdened tax payers." Associated Press.
Schelling said that Lindell's letter was embarrassing and caused her anxiety and loss of sleep. Lindell argued under Maine's anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation(SLAPP) statute, that his free speech right were being violated.
Posted by Janet Kemboi
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