by Analicia Jaramillo
Photo courtesy of Associated Press Images
14-year-old Donald Miller was suspended from Penn Manor High School in Lancaster, PA for wearing a t-shirt to school that read "Volunteer Homeland Security" on the front and "Special issue Resident Lifetime License — United States Terrorist Hunting Permit — Permit No. 91101 — Gun Owner — No Bag Limit" on the back. The t-shirt also included an image of military weapons.
Miller's family claims he was wearing the shirt to honor his uncle who is currently in Iraq. Miller was suspended for two days after school officials asked him to wear the shirt inside out and he refused.
His family is now suing the school district, claiming this was a violation of their son's free speech rights.
School officials countered this argument saying that they have implemented heightened security measures after the Columbine tragedy and that the restriction of shirts like this serves only in the best interest of the students while they are in school
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