By Abha Gunjal
Andree McLeod, a former Alaska state worker, filed suit against Gov. Sarah Palin on Oct. 2 to force preservation of any government-specific emails Palin had sent from her private accounts. The correspondence revealed a few personal emails exchanged back and forth with Sen. John McCain after her selection as his running mate.
According to the Associated Press, two of Palin’s Yahoo email accounts were hacked last month and subsequently shut down. The emails that were disclosed stated Palin’s administration’s preference of private accounts to conduct state business as an alternative to “.gov” accounts. According to Alaska’s Open Records Act, the emails, since sent from a private account and not a government one, could possibly be released to the public.
“Palin’s decision to conduct state business in such an unprofessional and secretive manner suggests that her promise to have an ethical, open, honest and transparent administration is pure bogus,” said McLeod in an Oct. 4 statement.
McLeod, as well as the Associated Press, had filed an open records request with the state of Alaska to obtain Palin’s email records, as well as her husband’s. Palin’s spokeswoman said on Oct. 4 that Palin could not comment on the pending proceedings.
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